Saturday, April 17, 2010


April 17, 2010 (Saturday)

We became part of the TALAKAYAN and it was a worthwile experience. We have tackled a lot of issues regarding to Church, Politics, Environment, and Sex Education. Issues about Marriage Contract expiration was also mentioned in the program. Fr. Angel give his insights and opinions in the issue about the Coal Fire Power Plant that this medium can cause a long term destructive effect, and those effect are the emmission of smoke.

Another issue tackled was about technology, the use of networking sites like Facebook, Friendster, Blogs etc. According to Fr. Angel, this modern technologies are the wonderful gifts from God, however, we are all responsible in our actions this topic is part of the World Day of Communication. He elaborated some points and purposes of this technology, this is a medium for finding friends, respect, to spread current issues, especially the Good News of the Lord our God.

-Jereme Benthame Dela Peña

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