Monday, April 19, 2010

Monday ( April 19, 2010)

As a start of the day, we had the Rosary as part of the DXCP- CMN Radio Gensan policies and also to enable for us to start the day with God as a center. Right after the Rosary, we had a brief meeting with the station manager ( Mr. Danny Dasoy). The Enigma and Panukad group were also able to get a chance to interview with the relatives of the victims of Maguindanao Massacre.We were able to hear their sentiments and anger on the case of Maguindanao Massacre. The next thing we do, we had a short talk with Mr. Philip Salarda ( Anchor-men DXCP- CMN Gensan)in terms of Broadcasting, through gaving us some points.

Broadcaster's Tips by : Mr. Philip Salarda ( Radio- Anchor-men DXCP- CMN Gensan)

Mr. Philip Salarda started his talk by introducing his self first. Sharing his own personal experiences in the world of Politics and Broadcasting. He also shares his life during his first job as a licensed Disc Jockey. He was appointed as City Councilor by Mrs. Cory Aquino in the year 1987. And so by then, in the year 1987-1991 he was a City Councilor in Gensan and from 1991 up to the present he is an Anchor-men of DXCP- CMN Gensan.


1. Know the Issue
2. prepare Guide Questions through :
C- creating
Q- questions through
R- research
with 4 W's and 1 H
or the Bisaya version:
K- kinsa
U- unsa
K- kanus-a
A- asa
- ngano

3. raise questions with eye contact
4. use proper languge to use, depending on the person to be interviewed with
5. use language to express in interviewing
6. be courteous enough to raise the question
7. call his/her attention to go back to the issue courteously, if the questions were not answered.


1. adjust with their moods/ to their world
2. play with them
3. talk how they talk
4. asked them repeatedly ( to sink -in with their minds the question raised)
5. win their sympathy and trust


1. observe phasing
2. MICROPHONE- liked a stick of a cigarette away
3. TALKING- mouth always face to the microphone

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